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![]() (Maps are an approximate) Chapter 50 Acts and Resolves 1762 Vol. 17 Page 242 Vote Accepted report of committee appointed to sell nine townships in the counties of Hampshire and Berkshire. The Committee appointed by the Great and General Court the 17th day of February 1762 for selling nine townships and ten thousand acres of the province lands lying in the counties of Hampshire and Berkshire to such as would give most of the same on the conditions mentioned in the order aforesaid; after giving publick notice of the time and place of sale attended said service at Boston the second day of June instant at The Royal Exchange Tavern in King Street and sold the same at publick vendue to the highest bidder viz; No 2: A township contain the quantity of six miles square lying between Ashuelot Equivalent so called and the township called New Hingham to begin at the northeast corner of said Ashuelot Equivalent and from thence on the easterly side of said Equivalent southerly six miles, and from thence to extend 20 degrees south as to contain six miles square exclusive to grants already laid out to Elisha Jones, Esqr for 1460 pounds and have received of him twenty pounds and taken his bond together with Oliver Partridge Esqr for 1440 pounds. Submitted in the name and by the order of the committee. Passed June 11, 1762 Thomas Flucker This sale was made under the conditions stated in Chapter 347 Acts of 1761/62 Those persons who shall or may purchase the same complying with and performing the following conditions the same to be the same to be granted and confirmed to them viz; That there must be reserved for the first settled minister one sixty third part of the township and one sixty third for use of the ministry. And the like quantity for the use of and support a school, and that in the space of five years from the time of sale there be sixty settlers residing in the township who shall each have a dwelling house of the following dimensions viz; twenty four feet long, eighteen feet wide and seven feet stud, and have seven acres of land well cleared and fenced and brought to English grass or plowed; and also settle a learned protestant minister of the gospel within the term aforesaid. Passed February 17th 1762 Chapter 24 Acts and Resolves 1766/7 Vol. 18 Page 125 A Resolve confirming township No. 2 to Oliver Partridge esquire and others. A Petition of Oliver Partridge Esqr in behalf of himself and associates setting forth that in the year 1762 they purchased of the government a township called No. 2 and have performed a great part of the duty enjoined on them, but are not empowered to make conveyances settlers and others inclined to purchase . And praying that the said township may be granted and confirmed to them that they may thereby be enabled to make conveyances and go on with their settlements. Read and resolved that the township which was sold by this government in 1762 now belonging to Oliver Partridge and Elisha Jones Esqr. And their associates lying in the county of Berkshire bounded as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of Ashuelot Equivalent thence running east 20 degrees south 2011 perch to a stake and large heap of stones thence south 20 degrees west 2016 perch to a large maple tree marked, thence west 20 degrees north 2011 perch to a small beech tree marked, thence north 20 degrees east to the first bounds be granted and confirmed to the said Oliver Partridge and Elisha Jones and their associates in the said purchase and their heirs and assigns they performing the settlement thereon originally enjoined. Saving the quantity of two thousand three hundred acres of land included in said lines which were grants heretofore made by the General Court to particular persons. Passed June 18, 1766.