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Hinsdale (Maps are an approximate)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts In the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and four. An act to incorporate the westerly parrish in the town of Partridgefield, in the County of Berkshire into a separate town by the name of Hinsdale. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, In General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same that the tract of land as described within the following boundaries, with the Inhabitants thereon, be and they are hereby incorporated into a separate town by the name of Hinsdale, Vizt. Beginning at a stake and stones, the North east corner of lot No. seventy five in the North line of Partridgefield, thence southerly on the East line of the last mentioned lot, to the North line of lot No. Sixty two, thence turning Westward on the North line of said lot, to the Northwest corner of the same, thence turning and running on the west line of said lot No. Sixty two, to the North line of lot No. fifteen, thence west three rods to the North West corner of said lot, thence on the west line of said lot No. fifteen, to the North line of Partridge's grant, so called, or Joshua Jackson's farm thence turning Eastward, on said North 1ine, to the Northeast corner of said Jackson's farm, thence Southerly, on the East line of said farm, to the North line of Lemuel Parson's farm, thence turning on the North line, to the North East corner of said farm, thence Southerly on the East line of said Parsons farm, to the brook or river, thence running on the said river, to the road leading from the west parish of said town to Middlefield, thence on said road, to the east line of the farm of John Watson, thence on the east line of said Watson’s farm, to the South East corner of lot No. one hundred and Eighteen, thence on the East line of lots. No. one hundred and nineteen, one hundred & twenty, and one hundred & twenty one, to the south line of the said town of Partridgefield, thence on the said south line to the Southwest corner of said town, thence Northerly on the West line of said Partridgefield, to the South east corner of Dalton, thence Westerly on the South line of said Dalton to the South East corner of lot No. Sixty in said Dalton thence Northerly to the Northwest Corner of lot No. thirty two in said Dalton, thence Easterly in the North line of lot No. thirty two & lot No. Nine, to the South east corner of lot No. Eight, in said Dalton, thence Northerly on the East line of said Dalton to the Northwest Corner of lot No. Seventy two in the North East Corner of Dalton, thence Easterly, in the North line of Partridgefield, to the bounds first mentioned and the said town of Hinsdale is hereby vested, with all the powers, privileges, rights, and immunities, to which other towns are entitled, and subject to all the duties which are required, of other towns, by the constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, that the inhabitants of the said town of Hinsdale, shall be held to pay all arrears of taxes which have been assessed upon them, together with their proportion of all debts owed by the said. town of Partridgefield, prior to the date of this act, and the said town of Hinsdale shall receive two fifth parts of the profits, rents or income arising from the Public lots in the town of Partridgefield (now lying in ,the town of Hinsdale) and shall pay two fifth parts, towards the support of Abigail Thayer, so long as she shall be chargeable to the town of Partridgefield; and all poor Persons who may hereafter become a town charge, shall be supported by the towns of Partridgefield, Hinsdale, or Dalton, in which part so ever such person may have been born, or in any other way gained a legal settlement in the said towns of Partridgefield or Dalton previous to the division of the said town.
SECTION 3 And be it further enacted that all future State Taxes, which may be levied on the towns of Partridgefield and Hinsdale previous to a New Valuation, shall be assessed and paid in the proportion of two fifths by the town of Hinsdale, and three fifths by the town of Partridgefield, and that such part of the sum set to the town of Dalton, in the last Valuation, as the said towns of Dalton & Hinsdale shall agree upon, or as the Legislature shall hereafter order, shall be deducted from the Valuation of the town of Dalton, & set to the town of Hinsdale and the said town of Hinsdale shall be holden to pay in State taxes accordingly.
SECTION 4 And be it further enacted that the inhabitants of the said town of Hinsdale shall at all times hereafter keep up and maintain by metts and bounds, the line between the towns of Partridgefield and Dalton, as it existed before this act was passed.
SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, that the Inhabitants of the town of Partridgefield, and those that shall be set off from the same and included. in the town of Hinsdale shall at all times hereafter. be entitled to the same privileges, respecting the passing the turnpike gate, which stands within the town of Hinsdale, and that the Inhabitants of that part of the town of Dalton, which is now included in the town of Hinsdale, shall at all times hereafter be liable to the payment of toll at the said turnpike gate, in the same way as if this Act had not been made.
SECTION 6. .And be it .further enacted, that any Justice of the peace for the County of Berkshire be and he is hereby authorized upon application therefore to issue a warrant directed to some suitable inhabitant of the said town of Hinsdale requiring him to notify and warn the Inhabitants thereof qualified by law to Vote in town affairs, to assemble at such convenient time and place as shall be expressed in said Warrant,. to choose such Officers as towns are by Law required to choose in the months of March or April, annually.